Why Doctorslanguage.com?
Why prefer DoctorsLanguage.com versus other providers of medical translations?
DoctorsLanguage.com is a translation provider of specifically into-English, into-Finnish and ito-Swedish translations on all topics of clinical and laboratory medicine, pharmaceutics, biomedical sciences as well as related business applications.
DoctorsLanguage.com is a medical translation provider maintaining a rich network of freelancer physicians, pharmacists and bioscientists, holding either a PhD or an MBA degree, or both.
DoctorsLanguage.com does not subcontract to unnamed third parties. Material which cannot be handled by our in-house professionals in person is translated under identical conditions by hospital colleagues identified by name and contact details under File-Properties-Summary-Author. It is then revised in detail by our in-house professionals in person. The result is a recognizably consistent product, year in, year out.
DoctorsLanguage.com specializes in transediting, a combination of translation and editing which often yields a text two thirds the length of the original. Transediting is only possible when the transeditor is entirely familiar with the subject matter. It presupposes a medical, pharmaceutical or higher bioscience background, and is most effective when performed in direct cooperation with the client. It cannot be offered in good faith by translation agencies.
DoctorsLanguage.com encourages direct in-depth translator-client contact by email, voice and personal visit. Other medical translation providers are unwilling to reveal the names of their translators, preferring to act as a screen between translator and end-user. They are also unable to deal directly with any but the simplest end-user question regarding the translation itself.